Mac App To Open Large Tif Files

Compatible with All Forms of Tiff Files. This tool has proficiency to open all types of Tiff files whether it is.tiff or tif files. This is reliable freeware utility yhat provides facility to open the Tiff image files instantly. You can view Tiff files of small or large size without any complication. UltraEdit can be used to open, edit, compare, and save large text files (even over 4+ GB!) We explain and break down configuration settings, here. Large Text File Editor/Viewer UltraEdit.

Compatible with All Forms of Tiff Files. This tool has proficiency to open all types of Tiff files whether it is.tiff or tif files. This is reliable freeware utility yhat provides facility to open the Tiff image files instantly. You can view Tiff files of small or large size without any complication. This TIFF Viewer allows you to view multi-single page TIFF files, and various image files. This app will open TIFF files, either single or multi-page and display them in an easily viewable JPEG format. You can open TIFF files from Google Drive directly. It supports a wide range of image format and compressions. Overall, 2large2email has a nice and comfortable email-like interface for sharing large files. 100MB in the free plan. TIFF stands for tagged image file format and it’s long been the gold standard for printing high-quality images. Nearly any app can work with it, and it can support layers created in Photoshop. VirtualDub is for Windows only and was designed for creating and editing AVI files. Once you've installed the program from here, just do the following: Open VirtualDub then click File Open, then select the first image in the sequence. Click Video Frame Rate, to change the frame rate (once loaded). Click File Save as AVI to save.


If you use this software for academic research, please quote:
Deroulers et al., Analyzing huge pathology images with open source software, Diagnostic Pathology 8:92 (2013).
And/or if you find this software useful, please send us an email! This will help us to get support from our funding agencies to keep working on it. You can use following address (remove the anti-spam):

Pre-compiled binaries

64-bit Windows:
32-bit Windows:

Source code:


LargeTIFFTools is a collection of software that can help managing (very) large TIFF files, especially files that are too large to fit entirely into your computer's memory. It is composed of the following programs:

  • tiffmakemosaic opens a TIFF file and makes a mosaic out of it.
  • tifffastcrop crops (extracts) a rectangular region from a TIFF file without opening the whole image into memory and saves it as a TIFF, JPEG or PNG file.
  • tiffsplittiles copies the tiles of a tiled TIFF file into independent files (one for each tile).

Getting the software

The software is open source, distributed under the GNU General Public License v. 3.0. It uses noticeably the libtiff and libjpeg or libjpeg-turbo software, made free and open by its authors, which we acknowledge.

You can get the software through download (see the links in the frame). We provide some pre-compiled versions. The 32-bit Windows version should run under all versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7; either 32- or 64-bits) but will produce images which require at most ca. 1 GiB memory. The 64-bit version goes beyond that limit.

If you install the software from source, you need the following installed libraries: libtiff (we recommend a version >= 4.0.0) and libjpeg (and possibly other libraries that your version of libtiff might use, e.g. zlib). Basic instructions for installing from source are: extract with tar xfj <file>, compile and install with ./configure ; make ; make install.

Using the software

Under Windows, you can simply drag and drop a TIFF (.tif) file over the .exe file or icon of the relevant program. tiffmakemosaic.exe and tiffsplittiles.exe will open the file and, if appropriate, split it into multiple TIFF image files (while preserving the original). tiffmakemosaic-j.exe does the same as tiffmakemosaic-j.exe, but stores the resulting images into JPEG files (option -j is hardcoded). For options, please refer to the documentation of each program for details.

On all platforms (including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), you can also use it with a command line. Open a shell (e.g. command interpreter,, xterm...) and launch the program by typing its name (preceded by its path if needed) followed by a space then the path to the TIFF file. The resulting TIFF or JPEG file(s) will be produced in the directory where the original TIFF file resides.

A typical use is for anatomopathology or microscopy slide images, like the one that the NDPITools produce.


In principle, generating pieces from a large TIFF file can also be achieved with several tools, as tiffcrop from the libtiff, ImageMagick, and GraphicsMagick (one has to first compute and specify explicitly the dimensions and positions of the pieces, though). However, most of the software start with opening and deciphering the whole image either in memory or in a huge temporary file on the disk, which makes them quite slow or often unable to complete the task by lack of memory.

In contrast, tiffmakemosaic, tifffastcrop and tiffsplittiles avoid opening the whole image, which yields speedup and guarantees successful termination of the process even on computers with modest memory. Eg. to make a mosaic of 64 JPEG files requesting less than 512 Mib of memory to open from a RGB image of 103168x63232 pixels, on a computer with 16 Gib of RAM and an i5 CPU, tiffmakemosaic needs 2.5 minutes while GraphicsMagick needs 70 minutes.

Non-exhaustive list of enhancements

  • Release 1.3.6: tifffastcrop is now able to deal with many bit-depths (e.g. RGB with alpha channel, or 1 bit-per-pixel black and white images, or 4 bits-per-pixel grayscale images...) and to write PNG files in addition to TIFF and JPEG files. Now, it tries to guess the output file format from the output filename, if any.
  • Release 1.3.7: the software is able to build even with version 1.2 of the libpng library.
  • Release 1.3.8: improved exit codes especially when input files are corrupted; fixed a regression preventing cross-compilation for Windows; fixed syntax errors in manpages.
  • Release 1.3.9: tifffastcrop now supports Fax-like compression; corrected a bug in tiffmakemosaic in the case of lossless compression and non-zero overlap.
  • Release 1.3.10: further support by tifffastcrop and tiffmakemosaic of Fax-like compression.

Mac App To Open Large Tif Files File

Credits and acknowledgments

This software was developed by the modelling team of the IMNC laboratory near Paris, France, during a research project funded by the IN2P3 and INSB Institutes of the CNRS and by the Universities Paris Diderot-Paris 7 and Paris South-11.

Contact: Christophe Deroulers

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The following software packages display or manipulate the relativelysimple class of FITS data files that containing 2-dimensional images, often of celestial objects in the night sky. It should be noted that FITS is a very generaldata format that is used for many different typesof astronomical data sets, so these packages are not necessarily capable ofreading every type of FITS file.Developers of new image display programs should be aware of the special requirements foreffectively displaying FITS images.

Mac App To Open Large Tif Files Converter

FITS Image Viewers

  • Image viewers for PC and Macs - an extensive listing of commercial and freeware image processing software compiledby the Astronomy Education Committee.
  • Aladin - Interactive Sky Atlas
  • APLpy - Astronomical Plotting Libraryin Python is a Python module aimed at producing publication-quality plots of astronomical imaging data in FITS format.
  • Aperture Photometry Tool -interactive software tool for visualizing and performing aperture photometrymeasurements on astronomical images.
  • ASTAP: viewer, image stacker, plate solver This program, available as an executable on Windows, Macs and most varieties of Linux, supports 8, 16, and 32 bit integerimages and also 32-bit floating point. including images using FITS compression. Users can determine the astrometric properties of images, stack and display them,including blind solving of the astrometry of each image using the GAIA database.
  • AstroImageJ: processing, modelling and plotting astronomical image data in one package based upon the ImageJ Java library.
  • Avis FITS Viewer - a FITS viewer for Windows. Only reads 8 and 16 bit FITS images.Converts to RAW, TIF, TGA, BMP, and JPEG formats
  • Clearsky viewer- a javascript library for viewing a FITS image. Features include multiple regions of interest, stats, contrast, magnifying glass andmore.
  • ds9 (SAOImage ) - astronomical visualization application from SAO
  • FITS Liberator - a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop for manipulating FITS format images. Also works withPhotoshop Elements 2. Includes a short introduction toastronomicalimage processing.
  • Fits4Win2 Viewer (shareware with free beta version)- a FITS viewer for Windows. Works as an extension to Windows Explorer and includessupport for viewing thumbnail images of FITS files.
  • FitsPlug v2.0 (shareware with free beta version)- a FITS plug-in for Adobe Photoshop for Windows
  • FITSview - FITS image viewer from NRAO
  • fv - FITS file viewer and editor (supports FITS images and FITS tables)
  • GAIA - an image display and analysis tool from the U.K. Starlink Project. It is a derivativeof the ESO SkyCat tool
  • giv - A cross platform (posix andWindows) image viewer designed especially for scientific vision and computational geometry. Supports interactivebrightness and contrast adjustment of 2D images and 3D cubes in various dataformats, including FITS. Also supports drawing vector graphics on top of the image.
  • GLnemo2 - aninteractive 3D visualization program for n-body snapshots which supports2D and 3D FITS data, as well as other data formats. GLnemo2 is open source, multi-platform (linux, MacosX, windows), and uses qt5 API and openGL hardware acceleration.
  • ImageJ - a public domain, Java-based image processing program developed at the National Institutes of Health. ImageJ was designed with an open architecture that provides extensibility via Java plugins and recordable macros. It supports 8-bit and 16-bit integer and 32-bit floatingpoint images and RGB color images.
  • ImageTOOLSca (shareware, with a free trial period) - a FITS image viewer for Windows. Supports 16 and 32 bit integer FITS images.It can convert to or from other image formats such as TIFF, JPG, BMP, and Photoshop PSD, and can create AVI animations from a sequence of images.Also supports some image processingtasks such as bias subtraction and flatfielding.
  • JS9 - next generation astronomical visualization from SAO for both desktop and web applications.
  • KStars -KStars is free, open source, cross-platform (Linux, OSX, Windows) Astronomy Software. It provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. KStars FITS Viewer tool supports grey scale and color (3D Cube) across all bit depths. It can display captured images from INDI cameras and video cameras.
  • Libvips -a fully demand-driven, threaded image processing library with no image size limits and with good support for colour. Reads and writes FITS images, as well asTIFF, JPEG, PPM, PNG, and other file formats. Has interfaces to C, C++ and Python,and a command-line interface that can be called from shell scripts.
  • MicroObservatoryImage 2.0 - astronomical image display program works with FITS and GIFimages on PCs and Macs. Can also perform mathematical image processingoperations on multiple images.
  • PhAst - A flexible IDL tool to display and analyze FITS images. It can calibrate raw images, provide astrometric solutions, and do circular aperture photometry. PhAst allows the user to load, process, and blink any number of images. Requires either an IDL license, or installation of the (free) IDL Virtual Machine.
  • QFitsView - An image viewer for 1-D, 2-D, and 3_D FITS images. It is written in C++ and uses the Qt widget library. Binary executables for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX, as well as the source code, are available.
  • RSpec - A Windows software package with manyspectroscopic analysis features that can process 2D FITS images and 1D tables. Canremove background, rotate, extract and process profiles.30-day free trial version available.
  • SkyCat - ESO tool combines image visualization and access to catalogs
  • Tria -an advanced image processing suite for Windows platforms (only), including deconvolution, image registration, and noise filtering functions. SupportsFITS, TIFF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, and WMF image formats.
  • xv (shareware) - interactive imagemanipulation program for X Window systems
  • xINDI - xINDI is a suite of native astronomical software tools for MacOS X built around INDI standard. It consists of binary INDI distribution wrapped into INDI Server application, INDI Control Panel application and FITS Viewer. The viewer is based on CFITSIO library and supports all standard monochromatic and color FITS image formats. It shows both an image (zoomed and stretched automatically, but manual correction of black and white point is available) and the image metadata.

Image Format Converters - FITS to/from GIF, JPEG, etc

  • Netpbm - a package of graphics programs and programming library. Thedocumentation is on-line.In particular, see the fitstopmnandpmntofits programs. To first order, the following command converts a jpeg image to a FITS image on most Linux systems:
      djpeg file.jpg | pnmtofits > file.fits
    where 'djpeg' is available in the libjpeg RPM package.
  • ImageMagick - read, write, and manipulate images in over 68 formats
  • pbmplus - image file format conversion package
  • gimp - GNU Image Manipulation Package
  • FITS2jpeg - a FITS to jpeg converter provided by Bill Cotton (NRAO). It needs the CFITSIO and libjpeg libraries and produces grayscale images.
  • SAOImage ds9 - this FITS visualization application from SAO allows the image tobe saved as a jpeg, tiff, png, or ppm file on disk (use File->Saveas->Image...). This currently requires Ghostscript version 6.5 or higherin the path. From there one can go to gif format using xv. Anotheroption to is save the image as Postscript (File->Print...->File...) andthen use Ghostscript to convert to gif. (Provided gs was build witha corresponding gif driver included). The ds9 operations can bebuilt into a script using the XPA mechanism.

    As an example, the following command will open the file 'name.fits', zoom it to fit the window,save it in JPEG format to the file 'filename.jpeg', and then exit

    ds9 name.fits -zoom to fit -saveimage jpeg filename.jpeg -exit

    Other output image formats, besides jpeg, are png, tiff, ppm, and mpeg.Optionally, one can add '-zscale' or '-geometry 800x800' options to customizethe output image. These options and more are described using 'ds9 --help'.

  • MicroObservatoryImage 2.0- Image display and processing program can perform FITS to GIF conversion and create RGB color images or animated GIF files.
  • fts2gif - a simple FITS to gif converter written by Michal Szymanski (Warsaw University Observatory). It requires the'raw2gif' application from the giflib-3.0 library (Linux and Solaris versions of raw2gifare included in the fts2gif tar file).
  • ImageTOOLSca - (shareware, with a free trial period) converts 16 and 32 bitinteger FITS images to or from other formats such as TIFF, JPG, BMP, and Photoshop PSD, and can create AVI animations from a sequence of images.
  • VOConvert- a tool for converting ASCII or FITS tables toVOTable format.This tool was developed as part of the Virtual ObservatoryIndia initiative.

Tif File App

Notes Regarding the Display of FITS Images

How to open tif files as pdf

An application intended to render a FITS image for viewing by a user has significantly more responsibility than an application intended to handle other standard image formats (e.g., 'jpg' or 'gif' images). FITS data arrays contain elements which typically represent the values of a physical quantity at some coordinate location. Consequently they need not contain any pixel rendering information in the form of transfer functions, and there is no mechanism for color look-up tables. An application should provide this functionality, either statically using a more or less sophisticated algorithm, or interactively allowing a user various degrees of choice.(See also, ashort introduction to astronomical image processing).

Furthermore, the elements in a FITS data array may be integers or floating point numbers. The dynamic range of the data array values may exceed that of the display medium and the eye, and their distribution may be highly nonuniform. Logarithmic, square-root, and quadratic transfer functions along with histogram equalization techniques have proved helpful for rendering FITS data arrays. Some elements of the array may have values which indicate that their data are undefined or invalid; these should be rendered distinctly.

The data array in a FITS image must have a dimensionality between 1 and 999, the boundaries inclusive, indicated by the NAXIS keyword. The extent of any coordinate axis in a FITS data array may, however, consist of only a single element. Hence an algorithm designed to render two-dimensional images will be capable of displaying a three- or four-dimensional FITS array when one or two of the axes consist of a single pixel.

Three-dimensional data arrays (NAXIS=3 with multiple elements along each) are of special interest. Inspection of the World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords in an image with NAXIS = 3 or more may indicate that one of the axes is temporal. Writers of viewer applications should consider presenting such an image in a fashion akin to that used for an animated GIF. Even in the absence of WCS indication of a temporal axis this time-lapse display technique can be effective, and application writers should consider offering it for all three-dimensional arrays.

A FITS image with NAXIS=1 is a one-dimensional entity such as a spectrum or a time series. Writers of applications intended to handle these one-dimensional FITS images should consider presenting such an image as a graphical plot rather than as a two-dimensional picture with a single row.

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